Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Peel and Eat Shrimp

This is one of my favorite shrimp recipes and one of the easiest. You can use any shrimp that is available but if you have access to Florida pink shrimp I would highly recommend using them (We used to get our pinks down at a certain seafood store in Tampon Springs but quit going there when we bought shrimp that were so brined as to be inedible. When I confronted an employee about them she said that sometimes they catch them in parts of the sea  that are very salty. I told her that these must have been caught in the Dead Sea. We have not been back). This nine legged octopus must have been in the same salty sea: http://www.abcactionnews.com/content/news/local/pinellas/north/story/Fisherman-discovers-9-legged-octopus/2hFWupP8IUCLKLNIxoBVng.cspx

Place your shrimp in a pot and pour enough beer over them to cover them one to two inches (I know some of you will claim that this is alcohol abuse but believe me it's worth it). Heat over high heat. There will be a lot of foam as they are heating, skim with a spoon. Bring to a boil. As soon as they start to boil remove and drain in a collander. DO NOT RINSE SHRIMP. They will finish cooking in the next phase.

Immediatly spread out over two large sections of newspaper(at least 8 full pages each) each section turned 90 degrees to one another and sprinkle liberally with cajun seasoning. If you don't like the taste of the seasoning you could substitute salt at this point.

Wrap shrimp in newspaper (wrap one section and then turn newspaper over and wrap with second section).
Let rest for eight or ten minutes and then open.
They are now fully cooked and ready to eat. Cocktail sauce is optional as they already have cajun seasoning.
I always make more than I need for one meal because they keep really well in the fridge and they are great the next morning in a quesadilla and as a garnish for your Bloody Mary.


  1. Sweet! I've been meaning to get this recipe from you... d-lish, especially when eaten from off the side of your boat. :)
