Monday, August 2, 2010

Taco Burger

So I was trying to decide what to have for Friday night supper.We usually try to keep it simple: you know like wings, burgers, tacos, things like that. We'd just had tacos a little while back and burgers also. And then I thought why not a Taco Burger?  I Googled taco burger and none of the results really blew my skirt up so I decided to make my own. This is what I came up with. First, I thought about the condiments that I would want. I like sour cream and avocado on my tacos so I'll start there.
I took one avocado, the juice of a key lime (about a tablespoon), and combined them with about a half cup of  sour cream in a food processor.
Blend until smooth and TA DA!
A nice avocado cream. I refrigerated this for an hour before starting the burgers. Now for the burgers. You'll need these.
To a pound of ground beef I added a tbs of chili powder, a 1/4 tsp each of garlic powder, onion powder,crushed red pepper flakes,and dried oregano. I then added a 1/2 tsp of paprika, a tsp of sea salt, 1 1/2 tsps of ground cumin and a few good twists of black pepper. I then added one chopped, seeded jalapeno pepper.
Mix well and form into patties.
Now just grill like you would any other burger. We finished these off with pepper jack cheese but you could use any kind you like.
Now to assemble. We toasted these deli flats and then smothered them with the avocado cream.
Add the burger and lettuce and tomato.
And that's my version of a taco burger. You won't believe how much these burgers taste like tacos! Enjoy!


  1. These burgers were awesome. Anyone who likes tacos will LOVE these!

  2. The avocado cream was so tasty I could have eaten it with a spoon. It would also make a good dip for appetizers... Mmmmmm...
